

UIWizard provides a set of typography styles that can be used to create a consistent look and feel across your application.

Examples of Headings:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Examples of Paragraphs:

This is main paragraph.

This is doc paragraph.

This is footer paragraph.

Example of Text Colors:

Primary Text.

Accent Text.

Danger Text.

Success Text.

Warning Text.

Dark Text.

Examples of Span:

This is span 1.

This is span 2.


Alerts can be used to place emphasis on a dialog or message that a visitor needs to see.

Class Description
alert To make the div an alert container.
alert-info To create an information alert.
alert-warning To create an warning alert.
alert-error To create an error alert.
alert-success To create a success alert.

Examples of Alerts:

info This is a information message.
warning This is a warning message.
dangerous This is an error message.
check_circle This is a success message.


An avatar is a visual representation of a person for use in digital contexts. It's usually a computer-generated image, such as a bitmoji. On social media, the term “avatar” also refers to your profile picture—the image that represents you on the platform.

Class Description
avatar To convert the image into avatar .
avatar-lg To create large size avatar image.
avatar-md To create medium size avatar image.
avatar-sm To create small size avatar image.
avatar-span-lg To create large size initials avatar.
avatar-span-md To create the medium size initials avatar.
avatar-span-sm To create the small size initials avatar.

Examples of Image Avatars:

Random Image Man Random Image Man Random Image Man

Examples of Initials Avatars:



Badges are the elements that are applied on the other elements mostly to display the number of items, notifications, status of the users etc.

Class Description
badge-container To wrap the icon and number in one div.
badge-number To add the number on the top right of the icon.
badge-dark To add dark background color (red).
badge-light To add the light background color (yellow).
badge-online To create an user status badge that will add the green border to the online user.
badge-offline To create an user status badge Pthat will add border red and grayscale filter to the offline user.
badge-idle To create an user status badge that will add the yellow border color and sepia filter to the image.

Examples of Number Badges:


Examples of User Status Badges:

Random Image Man
Random Image Man
Random Image Man


Buttons are used to perform an action. They are usually used in forms, dialogs, and other places where the user needs to interact with a component. UIWizard provides a set of buttons.

Class Description
btn To add the button classes like hover effect, box shadow and border radius to the buttons.
btn-primary To add primary background color.
btn-secondary To add the secondary background color.
btn-accent To add the accent background color.
btn-disabled To make the button disabled and make the cursor not allowed.
btn-primary-outlined To make the primary outlined button.
btn-secondary-outlined To make the secondary outlined button.
btn-accent-outlined To make the accent outline button.
btn-cart-icon To add the cart icon button.
btn-delete-icon To add the delete icon button.
btn-send-icon To add the send icon button.
btn-float To create the floating buttons.

Examples of General Buttons:

Examples of Outlined Buttons:

Examples of Buttons with Icons:

Examples of Floating Buttons



Images are used to display an image. They are usually used as hero images, or as a background image.

Class Description
image-large To create the large responsive image.
image-overlay To create the image with the text overlay.
image-text-center To add the text in the center of the image.
image-text-tl To add the text at the top left of the image.
image-text-bl To add the text at the bottom left of the image.
image-text-tr To add the text at the top right of the image.
image-text-br To add the text at the bottom right of the image.

Examples of Large Image:

Random Image

Example of Overlay Text Image:

Random Image







Navigation is used to navigate between different pages. It is mostly used at the top of the page.

Class Description
navigation To make the div the navigation bar.
navigation-ul To style the navigation links.
navigation-input-order To change the order of the search bar on small devices.
navigation-input To style the search input.

Examples of Navigation:


Modal is used to display a popup window. It is used to display a message, or a form.

Class Description/th>
modal To make the div the modal that will have backdrop style.
modal-container To contain the modal contents like button, title.
modal-btn To style the buttons in the modal content.

Example of Modal:


Slider is used to select the values and price of the product. It is displayed using the range type of the input.

Class Description
slider-container To add the slide contents.
slider-values To add the value above the slider.
slider To style th slider.

Example of Slider:

10 Value 500


Snackbars are often used as tooltips/popups to show a message on the screen.

Class Description
snackbar To convert the div into snackbar..

Example of Snackbar:

check_circle This is a success message.
check_circle This is a success message.

dangerous OOPS! Not Found Anything.