UIWizard provides a set of typography styles that can be used to create a consistent look and feel across your application.
Examples of Headings:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Examples of Paragraphs:
This is main paragraph.
This is doc paragraph.
This is footer paragraph.
Example of Text Colors:
Primary Text.
Accent Text.
Danger Text.
Success Text.
Warning Text.
Dark Text.
Examples of Span:
This is span 2.
Alerts can be used to place emphasis on a dialog or message that a visitor needs to see.
Class | Description |
alert | To make the div an alert container. |
alert-info | To create an information alert. |
alert-warning | To create an warning alert. |
alert-error | To create an error alert. |
alert-success | To create a success alert. |
Examples of Alerts:
An avatar is a visual representation of a person for use in digital contexts. It's usually a computer-generated image, such as a bitmoji. On social media, the term “avatar” also refers to your profile picture—the image that represents you on the platform.
Class | Description |
avatar | To convert the image into avatar . |
avatar-lg | To create large size avatar image. |
avatar-md | To create medium size avatar image. |
avatar-sm | To create small size avatar image. |
avatar-span-lg | To create large size initials avatar. |
avatar-span-md | To create the medium size initials avatar. |
avatar-span-sm | To create the small size initials avatar. |
Examples of Image Avatars:
Examples of Initials Avatars:
Badges are the elements that are applied on the other elements mostly to display the number of items, notifications, status of the users etc.
Class | Description |
badge-container | To wrap the icon and number in one div. |
badge-number | To add the number on the top right of the icon. |
badge-dark | To add dark background color (red). |
badge-light | To add the light background color (yellow). |
badge-online | To create an user status badge that will add the green border to the online user. |
badge-offline | To create an user status badge Pthat will add border red and grayscale filter to the offline user. |
badge-idle | To create an user status badge that will add the yellow border color and sepia filter to the image. |
Examples of Number Badges:
Examples of User Status Badges:
Buttons are used to perform an action. They are usually used in forms, dialogs, and other places where the user needs to interact with a component. UIWizard provides a set of buttons.
Class | Description |
btn | To add the button classes like hover effect, box shadow and border radius to the buttons. |
btn-primary | To add primary background color. |
btn-secondary | To add the secondary background color. |
btn-accent | To add the accent background color. |
btn-disabled | To make the button disabled and make the cursor not allowed. |
btn-primary-outlined | To make the primary outlined button. |
btn-secondary-outlined | To make the secondary outlined button. |
btn-accent-outlined | To make the accent outline button. |
btn-cart-icon | To add the cart icon button. |
btn-delete-icon | To add the delete icon button. |
btn-send-icon | To add the send icon button. |
btn-float | To create the floating buttons. |
Examples of General Buttons:
Examples of Outlined Buttons:
Examples of Buttons with Icons:
Examples of Floating Buttons
Images are used to display an image. They are usually used as hero images, or as a background image.
Class | Description |
image-large | To create the large responsive image. |
image-overlay | To create the image with the text overlay. |
image-text-center | To add the text in the center of the image. |
image-text-tl | To add the text at the top left of the image. |
image-text-bl | To add the text at the bottom left of the image. |
image-text-tr | To add the text at the top right of the image. |
image-text-br | To add the text at the bottom right of the image. |
Examples of Large Image:
Example of Overlay Text Image:
Navigation is used to navigate between different pages. It is mostly used at the top of the page.
Class | Description |
navigation | To make the div the navigation bar. |
navigation-ul | To style the navigation links. |
navigation-input-order | To change the order of the search bar on small devices. |
navigation-input | To style the search input. |
Examples of Navigation:
Modal is used to display a popup window. It is used to display a message, or a form.
Class | Description/th> |
modal | To make the div the modal that will have backdrop style. |
modal-container | To contain the modal contents like button, title. |
modal-btn | To style the buttons in the modal content. |
Example of Modal:
Slider is used to select the values and price of the product. It is displayed using the range type of the input.
Class | Description |
slider-container | To add the slide contents. |
slider-values | To add the value above the slider. |
slider | To style th slider. |
Example of Slider:
Snackbars are often used as tooltips/popups to show a message on the screen.
Class | Description |
snackbar | To convert the div into snackbar.. |